1. Read different books, magazines and view CBBC news online.
2. Cover the entire KS2 maths syllabus.
3. Practice KS2 year 6 Maths SATs papers (all can be done online with
CoolCleverKids.co.uk or downloaded from
www.SATsPapers.org.uk free of charge).
4. Learn NVR/Spatial reasoning concepts including rotation, reflection, cube nets and counting concepts.
5. Practice as much NVR as possible. Many children peak at consistent high scores of 85%, at which stage the cost-benefit of continued practice is minimal.
6. Verbal reasoning booklets and mock papers are available at low cost from the
shop on this site. SATsBooks.com provide low cost books
CEM tests and
GL tests
7. If taking a CEM 11+ test consider the 100% money-back course from the shop on this site. It includes unlimited access to WordBuilder & CoolCleverKids as well as mock tests.
8. These 11+ tests are effectively speed tests. Practice time management and working under pressure at speed. Mocks are invaluable.
9. Use actual 11+ tests as free mocks for practice. Register early, e.g. for the Warwickshire 11+ test, if it is held before your test. They cannot stop you taking their test.
10. Try the
WordBuilder and
CoolCleverKids demos.